Category Archives for "Videos: Swing Analysis"

Swing Analysis: Jimmy Bruen

By Wayne | Videos: Swing Analysis

If you want to talk about “natural” swings you have to start with Jimmy Bruen. I compare the swing to Eamon Darcy and Jim Furyk, but the more I think about it I see it as a less conventional Fred Couples, where the club floats to the top any old way then is led down by the body with a side arm throwing motion right out of Hogan.

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Swing Analysis: Ryo Ishikawa 2

By Wayne | Videos: Swing Analysis

I did a Ryo Ishikawa analysis some time ago entitled “What’s Wrong With Ryo?” and by the title you can tell that I spent most of the video trying to figure out why such a formerly budding superstar had stalled out and wasn’t performing at the level expected of him. This past week Ryo had a very good tournament

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Swing Analysis: Wayne D. Channeling Hogan

By Wayne | Videos: Swing Analysis

Whenever I want inspiration to make my swing better I turn to the Hogan videos I’ve watched a million times. It’s amazing to me that I seem to get something new from them even after studying them for so long, but now that I feel good enough to look at my swing and actually try to practice enough to change it I can see more clearly how he was doing things and how I am not doing those things.

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