Videos: Online Students
John’s swing has improved considerably over the time we’ve been working (mostly online) and he is committed to continuing to improve. We are to the point now where most of the major issues have been addressed, but as we all know there are always things to work on. In this video I suggest something that John had been thinking about for some time, the driving and straightening of the right leg up into the left in the impact area. When we started back in 2015, John’s pattern was to overturn with his right arm and shoulder, drop his hands down in transition, and early extend with the right side of his pelvis. A lot of that has been fixed (he will always be working on the “hands out” move), but as the hips stayed deeper and the lower body cleared better the right glute has tended to remain somewhat passive during the strike, not surprising when we worked so hard to keep it from pushing out to the right early in the downswing. I would like him to really fire that right glute up into the left as he also pushes up off the left leg, which in turn I am hoping will get him to extend more through the ball, using his pivot more fully and freeing up his arms as they move into the follow through. I think the combination of more vertical force and more extension will lead to more clubhead speed. One thing to note is that John mentioned that he has purposefully been trying to keep his left arm connected to his chest into the follow through (I thought that swinging indoors had engendered a cutoff finish), a thought I would like him to get rid of.
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