Online Lesson: John Lamendola- Looking for More Distance with the Driver

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

I have done more online lessons with John than I have with any other student. If you watch them in order (you can skip a few) you will see that my teaching philosophy is to analyze the swings I am looking at and give my best advice according to what I believe will be most helpful. John is great at giving me feedback on what he feels is working and what is not, and while some of the lessons seem repetitive it shows that I am pretty stubborn when it comes to my ideas about his swing. We have made great progress over time (John just won the Winged Foot Club Championship), but John knows that he has the ability to gain more speed and distance with the driver, which is what I concentrate on in this lesson. I have always felt that John could utilize his pivot better to load up in the backswing by right loading more than center loading his hips, and by gaining more width at the top by rotating his upper trunk more efficiently.