In this video you will see proof of what I have been saying for some time now, namely that when announcers (any of them) describe why a Tour player sends a shot awry they are making it up. The point is that the actual reasons a shot by a great player is missed are so small and fast that they are simply not seeable, even with a slow motion camera, unless there is time to do a side by side comparison with computer graphics of swings from identical angles and lies. I know I’ve never seen that on TV, but I certainly have seen just about every announcer pronounce that the player missed for any number of conventional reasons, such as “he got ahead of it”, or “he hung back”, or “he got quick” or, well, you name it and they might have done it. Well, here we have Johnny Miller (not picking on him, he just happened to offer up this perfect example of how silly this all is) describing Rory Mcilroy missing one iron shot to the right, and another to the left. The camera catches him from the same angle at slow motion, and if you can pick out the difference you are a better eye than I.