Tag Archives for " Out of the Box "

Online Students: Neil Zhu

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

It’s always an honor to be chosen to view and analyze the swing of a promising young player, and Neil Zhu certainly fits that bill. Neil is (I think) 10 years old in this video and already possessing the attributes of an excellent player. Neil’s father, Jason, was watching some of my swing analysis videos […]

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Online Student: Chris Ellis

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Chris is a good example of great instincts impeded by poor mechanics. Chris’ backswing is fraught with problems, but his forward swing recovers nicely and finds an approach worthy of a top notch player. Watching this I couldn’t help but think that if Chris could clean up some of the major issues in the first […]

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Online Students: John Neeson

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

This is John’s second online lesson (the first 3 months ago) and you will see that progress has definitely been made on the backswing. What needs to happen now is a more difficult task, changing the sequencing of the swing in order to get the right arm to start down earlier from a better position and move into a better approach to impact.

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