Tag Archives for " junior "

Online Students: Neil Zhu

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

It’s always an honor to be chosen to view and analyze the swing of a promising young player, and Neil Zhu certainly fits that bill. Neil is (I think) 10 years old in this video and already possessing the attributes of an excellent player. Neil’s father, Jason, was watching some of my swing analysis videos […]

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Lesson of the Week: Jack Brinkman

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Jack is a young junior who has been coming about once a week for about 2 months. He is a great example of how complicated swing issues can infect even talented young players, and our quest to clean up his swing and make it more functional and easier to manage is a lesson for all players who wish to change an odd pattern. You will see right away how Jack’s swing pulls behind him, then lifts abruptly and wheels out over the top.

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Lesson of the Week: Samyra Lewis

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

With Samyra the battle has been to get her to lean the shaft forward at impact with her irons, and here you can see the problem that exists in her first couple swings. We have focused on this in the past, but I always say that the lesson (any lesson) starts with the swing the student brings, and in this case it was obvious what we had to work on.

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