Tag Archives for " John Lamendola "

Online Lesson John Lamendola: Looking for More Driver Speed (163 mph ball speed)

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

John has made remarkable progress over the 2 ½ years we have been working on his swing, and now that he knows where the ball is going and is comfortable with his technique we are looking for ways to increase his clubhead and ball speed with the driver. In this lesson I put him side by side with Charlie Hoffman, who I filmed a few years ago when I was at the Valspar Championship with Streelman. In the comparison I note that John is loading his pelvis toward his center instead of over his right leg, and when he cuts the right hip in and leaves the “wall” that is the right side of the face on hip box he short changes his upper body coil and leaves some potential energy unused.

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Online Lesson: John Lamendola Part 14- Loading in Transition

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

John is still looking for more distance with the driver (who isn’t) and in this video lesson I suggest that he try to load back into the right hip more as he gets to the top of his swing, which would be evidenced by a lowering of his head as the hands and arms change direction. After this lesson John received the Swing Catalyst he ordered for his house (anyone can have one for 10 grand), a very cool machine that measures ground force changes during the swing as well as vertical force in the forward swing. As I predicted John found that his use of the ground left something to be desired, and now that he has a tool to measure it will certainly be interesting to see what comes next.

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Picking Up Some Yardage Off The Tee: Online Students: John Lamendola Part 13

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

I use Jordan Spieth and Charl Schwartzel as examples of players who are moderate in physical size but produce tremendous clubhead speed. In both cases we see the upper body begin to back up around P5, with the left leg beginning to push up off the ground and the pelvis elevating from P6 into and past impact. In our lesson before this we focused on foot pressure in transition, and stabilizing the right foot will help this downswing action occur.

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Online Students: John Lamendola 12

By J | Videos: Online Students

John has been a consistent online lesson taker (along with 3 face -to -face lessons) and has shown remarkable improvement in his technique and in the results he has achieved on the golf course. He has the good fortune to have a basement studio with all sorts of useful technology, which makes processing and practicing the suggestions I make over the internet much easier.

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Online Students: John Lamendola Part 11 Hitting Draws and Fades

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

This video gives us a nice primer on hitting draws and fades and what the swings should look like when the camera angle stays the same for both shots. Also as you watch the video you’ll see that I disagree with John’s guesses as to why the hybrid impact looks a bit flippy. His head stays in its box through the impact area nicely, and he is certainly plenty rotary as his left knee disappears from view just as his left arm gets to parallel to the ground in the forward swing. What I do note here is that…

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Online Students: John Lamendola Part 9

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

John has been pretty relentless in his online lesson taking, and just look at how his swing has evolved. Not only has his swing gotten mechanically better, he has been hitting it better on the course and shooting better scores. I think that anyone could improve or at least be encouraged that improvement was possible simply by watching the process as we attack John’s chronic flaws and try to simplify his technique.

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Online Students: John Lamendola Part 8

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

If you want to see how you can improve your swing via online lessons just watch my lessons with John Lamendola. He sends his swings, I make suggestions, and then he works on it for a while and sends another swing. If you think about it, say you had a great teaching pro at your club and you had the opportunity to conveniently take a lesson with him or her every week at a reasonable price: would you take advantage of it?

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Online Students: John Lamendola Part 6 – Nice Progress

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

As you will see, John has every reason to be excited because he has just figured out (with a little help) how to change an age old chronic pattern, which as you know is quite hard to do. We have changed a bunch of things for the better in John’s swing, but still the hands wanted to loop back and drop the right arm behind him in transition, something he hated to see and desperately wanted to change.

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