David is a senior PGA Professional from the Middle Atlantic Section with whom I have played many tournaments. I don’t usually watch the people I play with very closely, so I had no real opinion on the state of his game, but he has been struggling for the past 5 years or so (kind of like me) after hurting his lower back. His main complaint is a major loss of power and a “slappy” feeling at impact, and when you watch his full swing you can see why this might be the case. His pivot is barely functioning even though he has been able to work out of most of the pain of his original injury. I know first -hand how a tweaked back can cause the brain to order the body to avoid movements and positions that would cause distress, and over time these avoidances can become hard wired even when they are not necessary anymore. As you will see in this video I pull out almost my whole bag of tricks to try to get David to feel how he has to start using his pivot again in order to get his arms, hands and club in better order. It is a physical game to begin with, and in David’s case this is even more evident. I did caution him to take it easy in practice as far as duration and intensity, as you really have to work up to using your pivot better in small steps. A lot of what we did David can incorporate into his daily workouts just by watching himself in a mirror. It is quite cold here now but that may not be such a bad thing as David can hit into a net and use a video camera to see how he is coming along without worrying too much in the beginning how the ball is flying.