Chris has been coming along nicely with his swing as he is getting used to gaining about a foot in height over the past couple years. He is quite thin, like lots of kids his age who go through growth spurts, and has had trouble feeling the connection between the upper and lower bodies. His tendency is to get the club too deep in the backswing early, and then lift the left arm to the top while laying off the shaft, then coming down from too far away from his body. My goal here in this lesson is to get his backswing deeper at the top while maintaining width by using a different routing, in this case having his hands and arms track less inward and downward in the takeaway (feeling more straight out toward the camera while staying more level to the ground instead of pushing down) but then moving the hands more horizontally from left arm parallel to the top while keeping the right arm in a throwing position (not getting too far behind the body). The example I use is Justin Rose, who is built much like Chris (a bit thicker in the chest, which makes all this easier to feel) and has what I consider one of the best swings going. As you will see in the stop and go drill Chris does a nice job of positioning the hands, arms and club at the top (even though he still pulls it a bit too far in going back), which makes the downswing path much less out in front of him. In order to do better with full swings he will have to fix the beginning of the movement, so we will be looking at that next time.