In this video we see Tom make the change from steepening his club in transition to shallowing it. If anyone was wondering if changing was only hard for the untalented the fact that this is video number 4 should dissuade you from that opinion. In fact, just after Tom sent in this swing (which is much improved over the first swing in the series) he arranged to meet me for an in person lesson at Liberty National in New York, a course he just happened to co-design. I will be doing a video on our time there in short order, so look for that, but meanwhile you can see here that just the right ideas and the proper images can help effect the changes that are needed to, in this case, get back to the swing that won the U.S. Open. Now, most people can’t say that their old swing made them one of the greatest players of all time, but it does go to show you that whatever level you are on it is possible to lose your way and get into bad habits that take you away from effective ball striking. The swings from 1992 that Tom sent in were especially helpful, as the elements of that swing were pretty much exactly what I suggested he work on. And the fact that my suggestions came before I had a chance to view the old swings gave Tom confidence that I knew what I was talking about. It really isn’t possible to describe how cool it is for Tom to ask me for help. He is a true Hall of Famer, and if anything serves to give this website credibility this would be it.