Tag Archives for " Flipping "

Online Students: Jeff Plunkett

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

When a student goes to see a teacher they are going to find out what that teacher prefers right away. In Jeff’s case I prefer the right arm to have space, or “carry”, in the first part of the swing, so that when the shaft is parallel to the ground the hands have moved away from the right leg by at least a few inches, if not more. The right arm is not staying tight or straight, however, as this would hyper extend the left arm, but rather is soft and bending a bit until the left arm reaches parallel…

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Online Students: Dean Dunn-Rankin

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Dean has taken a couple of online lessons and has (according to Dean) improved quite a bit. Here we see that we are getting down to the major issue in his swing, which is that his swing pattern is arms away in the backswing, hands dropping back and down in transition while the legs work underneath him and out toward the ball. This would be a big change to accomplish without hands on work, but it is certainly worth a try. My suggestions include a deeper backswing so that an “out” move with the hands wouldn’t feel so “over the…

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Online Students: David Ferrell

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Here we see one of the most common ways to get the clubhead “stuck” behind the hands in the approach to impact. David starts with the “triangle” look at address, which always looks tight to me, and I encourage him to go the “home plate” address (a la Hogan) where both arms are bent at the elbow and only loosely tied to the body. David’s swing doesn’t show any effects of this tightness until left arm parallel in the backswing, where he begins to slide to the right and lift up. His lack of contact with the ground makes it…

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The P.A.T. Project: Student Lesson: CJ D’Arco Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

If you missed the first installment of the P.A.T. (Player Ability Test) Project with CJ D’Arco you should know that CJ is a young aspiring assistant pro at a neighboring club who, in order to gain status in the PGA of America, must pass the playing test by shooting somewhere in the neighborhood of 78-78 in a one day qualifier. CJ’s problem is that he hasn’t been close to breaking 80, but has made some progress (and has broken 80 a few times) since our first lesson about 6 weeks ago. Here you see why CJ has had such a…

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Student Lesson: Steve Bohreer

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

It is both surprising and gratifying when a student exhibits improvement in a short period of time. I never expect to see full swings incorporate the kind of major changes that are many times called for and suggested by my instruction. I like to see evidence of change when we use the video multiple times, but when there are combinations of things to fix up it is extremely difficult to put them together and make swings that show a large improvement in the overall motion and technique. That is what makes this video so special, in that Steve showed up…

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Online Students: Jason Huguet

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Here I give you the opportunity to stop the video and do your own analysis. I don’t think it would be such a great idea to have all of you post your analyses on the site as that might make Jason’s head explode, so for this one you can discuss elements of how mine was different but don’t post the whole thing.  

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The P.A.T. Project: Student Lesson: CJ D’Arco Part 1

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

This should really be an interesting series of lessons so I encourage you to watch the progression. CJ needs to pass his Player Ability Test (PAT) in order to continue his quest to become a Class-A PGA Professional. The scoring requirement does not seem that daunting (the needed score is around 156 or so) unless you are not that good and you don’t play in tournaments because of that very fact. Now, you might ask why someone who wasn’t a good golfer would want to be a PGA Professional, and it would be a good question. Actually, a better question…

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Student Lesson: Jessica Fernandez

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

One of my very best friends likes to “gift” me a subscription to “Golf Tips Magazine” every year as a joke, since we both have a great time going over some of the instructional articles found inside. I recently read one that “exposed” certain “Myths” in the game, one of which was the supposed myth that impact was the “moment of truth” in the swing. The point was not that impact was not important, but that it was really everything that led up to that point that created whatever that impact was. Now, I can see that as an argument,…

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Student Lesson: The Meyers Sisters

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

When I saw these three young ladies on the range at my club I immediately went over to their father and told him that I would love to teach them. He was a bit overwhelmed with trying to help them himself so he thought that was a good idea, and the swings you see on this video are the product of about 2 hours of instruction apiece. I think you will be as amazed as I was to see these swings, especially when you consider that they have never played more than a couple of holes on the golf course.…

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