Playing for Money: Derek Gillespie- Fixing Downswing Pelvic Movement

By Wayne | Videos: Playing For Money

Derek is on the cusp of being a high- quality Tour player, but he has been held back by inconsistency in his ball striking. His pattern since we have first worked has been to overuse his right arm and shoulder in the backswing, cross the line with the shaft at the top, and then move both his knees forward toward the ball in transition. Our constant goal is to keep his lower body facing the ball more in the backswing and point the club more on plane at the top, then keep his pelvis deeper in transition so that he can clear his left hip more effectively. We can usually get this happening at the end of a lesson, but the first few swings after not being together for a bit with some tournament play in between tend to exhibit a recurrence of the pattern. Hopefully this time Derek has a full handle on his issues and will start to strike the ball as well as when we played nine holes together a couple weeks after this lesson. Derek has a great putting stroke and a tour quality short game, and one more tick up with his ball striking will put him where he wants to be.