Playing for Money: Chas Narramore Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Playing For Money

After watching the video I sent him with suggestions regarding his first batch of swings Chas worked on it a couple days and then sent back these swings. It’s amazing how much difference there is between keeping the face shut on the backswing and trying to open it. You can see that he doesn’t really get the toe up when the shaft is parallel to the ground in the takeaway, but he does continue to try to open it to the top which completely uncrosses the shaft. Our next goal will be to take advantage of the better right arm position at the top and work on getting the hands more forward in the downswing. His comment was that the ball was tending to go left, but I’m not surprised in that the hand release has been geared to a completely different face progression during the swing. I would have guessed that the ball would want to go more to the right since we were opening the face but as we know many times the opposite things happen and the left shot could be a result of the hands feeling more open and thus closing faster. The face will stay open longer if we can sharpen up the angle of attack.