Picking Up Some Yardage Off The Tee: Online Students: John Lamendola Part 13

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

John’s swing has come a long way over the time we’ve been working (mostly online) and he would still like to pick up some yardage with his driver. One big thing I notice with his driver when compared to most Tour players is that he has little or no upper body back-up (to the right) in the downswing while his left leg stays mostly bent well past impact. When hitting an iron shot it is a good idea to try to keep the head in the box and cover with the right side, and the pressure should be mostly left at impact when delivering a descending blow. With the driver, however, players gain more thrust and boost clubhead speed by using vertical ground force to deliver the power from more behind the ball. I use Jordan Spieth and Charl Schwartzel as examples of players who are moderate in physical size but produce tremendous clubhead speed. In both cases we see the upper body begin to back up around P5 (click here for “P” positions explanation), with the left leg beginning to push up off the ground and the pelvis elevating from P6 into and past impact. In our lesson before this we focused on foot pressure in transition, and stabilizing the right foot will help this downswing action occur.