Matthew Wolff Swing Analysis: A Detailed Look at an Unconventional but Highly Effective Swing

By Wayne | Videos: Swing Analysis

We have been seeing Matthew Wolff a lot these days due to his stellar play, and his odd-looking swing has gotten more familiar. There is, however, a lot going on from start to finish from the time he triggers his swing with his signature “impact fix” his to his unique club path and into his wild footwork as he impacts the ball. Here I take a close look at the subtle movements within the obvious idiosyncrasies, movements that all add up to a ball striking machine.

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Online Lesson: Chris Westfall- Looking for Better Iron Impact

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Message to Wayne  Hi Wayne, I purchased an online lesson. I am a member of your site and an avid viewer of your swing videos. Well done! I was a good player, now I am 55 and trying to get my game in order. I did not play for the last two years and recently had a hip replacement. The replacement was successful, and I now can swing a club. I see a couple of Wayne D issues with not staying in the box (although a significant improvement from three years ago) and not shallowing the club in transition as…

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Online Lesson: Tanner Wieringa- Eliminating Upper Body Lean in Transition Should Produce Great Results

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

 Hi Wayne, my name is Tanner Wieringa (wear-inga), Im 20 years old and have been playing the game for 2.5 years. I am around a 10 hcp and I struggle with my irons. I would like to be able to compress my irons better and be able to control the club face as my shot dispersion is not consistent. Thank you and I look forward to the lesson! Tanner has done a great job with his swing in only 2 ½ years and judging from the videos I would bet that one major fix will have a huge impact on…

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Jim Herman Swing Analysis: 3 Tour Wins with Not So Great Stats

By Wayne | Videos: Swing Analysis

When I do swing analysis of a Tour winner (Herman won the 2020 Wyndham Championship) I like to get on and check out his stats, not just for this year but for his entire Tour career. Herman’s stats were a big surprise: in 11 years he has made the top 125 just 4 times with a best of 42nd in 2016, winning just over $2 million, while in 2018 he won just $46 K. Looking at his overall stats the numbers aren’t particularly good: decent driver of the ball but his strokes gained everywhere else (approach, around the green,…

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Online Lesson: Harrison Murphy- Controlling Immense Power

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

I watched this swing and then texted Harrison as I needed to know more about his game before I made any comments. You will see why, as it is exceptional and appears to be quite powerful. However, I wasn’t quite prepared for the text I got back from him: “Played 10 years. Game this summer has been quite good. Played well this past 2 months until the past week or so. Tendency is to lose the feeling of a good pivot and then the swing gets steep. My SS (swing speed) is 136-138 (!!), BS (ball speed) 200-205 (!!) and…

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Jon Bui Follow-Up: Nice Improvement, Still Things to Work On

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Jon has done a good job improving his loading and sequencing, as well as his right upper arm pull back in transition and his tendency to push his hips toward the ball in the forward swing. He reported in that he hit the ball much better in his sessions just after the lesson, and here instead of looking for new items to address I suggest he keep working on the same things. One thing he does that is quite important is a half swing drill where it is obvious that he deepens his pelvis to create more space for his…

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Junior Golfer Stewie Bruce Follow-up- Kids Improve Fast

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Here are some notes from Ian Bruce, Stewie’s dad, who obviously knows what he’s talking about, which is nice, because I have to write less and just say that this kid is a tremendous talent and has a great future in golf ahead of him. Overall a stronger looking movement I feel The right loading with steady head is a work in progress and we need to focus on this more.  We’ve tried the “left shoulder over the right foot” concept to exaggerate the right loading but then he drifts back to some left loading. The arm tension (especially right) at…

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Online Lesson: Jon Bui-Lots of Potential but Needs Better Sequence and Right Arm Control

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Jon has a powerful build and has the capability to produce a lot of speed, but he is held back by his lack of right arm width and his over reach with his right shoulder as he completes his backswing turn and the accompanying sequence issue when the upper body is pulled toward the target in transition before the hips have a chance to initiate the movement. If you haven’t noticed from countless website lesson posts these are quite common issues with fairly good players, sometimes young, sometimes older, who try the online lesson platform to get some ideas on…

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Online Lesson: John Lamendola- Looking for More Extension for More Power

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

John and I have done so many of these lessons online and his swing has gotten so good that we are to the point where it’s enough to focus on one or two items that we more than likely have been over before. John feels like he has more power available than he is using efficiently, and I agree with him. I see John’s backswing as not being stretched out enough from P1 to P2, and then again from P2 to P3. If he would crank up his upper trunk muscles against his lower body by extending his arms away…

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Online Lesson: Sim Allan 2- Open Face Approach Leads to Flip Release

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

You need to go back to Sim’s first lesson to appreciate how much he has improved in a short period of time. In this lesson we dig down into the same issues to continue his progress. Sim’s grip is on the weak side, and if he leaves it in a neutral position too late in the downswing his approach requires some seriously quick face rotation. He has two choices: strengthen the grip, or learn to add left forearm supination and left wrist flexion earlier in the downswing. Since grip changes are more disruptive than mechanical movements I would go with…

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Important Update!  Wayne has relocated to the Peninsula Golf and CC located in Millsboro, Delaware. Call (443) 831-1388 to schedule in-person lessons.