Online Students: Trent Knight

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Long time watcher visitor of your site but just officially signed up. My ball striking has gone to hell over the last two years. Was a 5 hdcp now an 11. Last instructor had me trying to move off the ball more than in the past and now I think I am just in a bad place somewhere between two swings. My bad habits are coming out of the swing on downswing and crossing the line on backswing. I hate the seeing this across the line as well as I don’t like how my finish looks. It looks kind of jammed up. When I try to make a move to the left side at the start of the downswing it is usually a shank like shot or a block. My driver miss is predominately a block. I can give you more background info if it will help.

Trent’s issues are Wayne D. classics. Weight in the heels at address, tight right arm at address causing all sorts of issues in the backswing (hands moving away from the body in the takeaway, left arm rolling over the tight right arm which in turn overly flattens the club, the right arm staying pinched (pointing straight back at the camera) at left arm parallel, then feeling a need to go back a bit more and twisting the shaft well across the line), an out of sequence transition with the upper body leaning over the lower, the shaft steepening instead of flattening in transition, an overly vertical approach which leads to difficulty squaring the face, and an overall tempo and rhythm issue with being too slow going back. The suggestions are all also classic Wayne D.: work toward a faster backswing (watch the tempo video on the website), home plate at address, width in the backswing by giving the upper right arm space and height, changing the transition sequence so that the forward movement starts from the ground up with the head feeling as though it stays absolutely still while the hips drive forward and around. Trent looks very athletic and I wouldn’t be surprised if his next video was 20 times better.