“I played golf on my college team at the University of Michigan 25 years ago, but haven’t played much the last 5 years. I am now living in Scottsdale, so I figured I get back into the game.
My swing has a lot of flaws that I have a hard time fixing on my own. “
There is a lot of good news here for Patrick. Most of his issues result from a faulty trigger to his takeaway, and what follows is a result of the pattern created at the beginning of the swing. As you will see, Patrick moves his upper body to the right, away from the ball, and upward even before he moves the clubhead, which means that he is not initiating the backswing by rotating his upper trunk. Now that he is aware of the excess movement he can simply try to quiet it down, and I suggest that he feel “settled” at address with his feet feeling heavy before he moves, and at the same time try to keep the angle of the beltline the same while compressing a bit into the ground. This should help him keep his head out over the ball while maintaining a nice angle in his shoulder turn, which should also help the club move up the shaft plane in the takeaway instead of being low and behind him. With the right arm higher midway through the backswing there is a good chance that the club will cross the line less or not at all, and his good sequence should cause the shaft to flatten early so that he can steepen it through the rest of the downswing instead of coming in fairly steep the whole time. Of course, the end result here is flippiness at impact, and after we improve the approach his hands are going to have to have some reps approaching impact from a more forward position heading into impact, so I prescribe and demonstrate a few different punch shots to add to his practice.