Online Students: John Krystynak

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

I’m 46, and play to a 5 hcp. I’ve been a site member for about 8 months, and really benefit from the concepts and instruction on the site. My handicap is about as low as it’s ever been and my goal is to keep going lower.

I play once or twice a week, and practice 3 or 4 times for about 30mins in the mornings.

My ball flight tends to be a slight cut, because I tend to be steep, and have a hard time getting the club to “kick” and shallow on the transition, so the clubhead comes in from above my hands.

I’ve been working on improving that plane issue for the last year.

Once again we see problems emerging from the tightness of the right arm in the backswing. John will help himself greatly by getting rid of the hunching of his shoulders as he triggers the takeaway. By keeping the shoulders relaxed and letting his arms bend he can use his upper trunk to start the backswing. As it is now his right elbow gets so locked up that the left arm has to roll around it to get the club back. The upper right arm stays in front of the chest all the way to left arm parallel, at which point it seeks depth and pulls back behind the body. Then in transition the arm stays up and back, tipping the forearm to more horizontal, which as we have seen over and over does not allow the shaft to kick back and shallow starting the downswing. In John’s case the shaft continues to tip out past his hands and he is saddled with an out to in approach. You can probably guess which swing I side by side John’s with, but you can’t find a better example to watch over and over than Hogan. John has a nice aggressive, fluid motion, and if he can improve his backswing I think he has a good chance to improve significantly.