Jason is working hard on his technique, and states in his email that the faster he swings the worse he hits it, which is a problem when you take note of how slow his swing is in general when he hits the ball. It is important for Jason to overcome this and thus he needs to get out the metronome and work on putting whatever ideas he has for the swing into a 3:1 rhythm. Many times this helps sort out which thoughts are useful on the course and what combinations will work. Along with the tempo work Jason can really help himself by learning to use his pivot better, more specifically by bracing his lower body and loading into the ground on the backswing, then by driving his hips more forward as he rotates on the forward swing. As I point out in the video Jason rehearses his downswing with little or no lateral hip motion, and without compression in the backswing and lateral movement in the forward swing his hands fall almost backwards in transition. He has the long lanky body that a lot of young players have these days, and by incorporating some of the main concepts of the website I think he could really come up with an efficient, powerful swing.