Online Students: Jake Marriott Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

I had a decent summer. Hit it really well in the beginning of the summer and actually struggled mostly with my putting but the ball striking got a little shaky towards the end. That being said my bad days now seem to allow me to still post a decent score. I missed the cut in a event by 1 putting horribly. I was medalist in my US AM qualifier but struggled at the Am mostly off the tee, missing the cut by 2. It was obviously a very demanding golf course and it was very penalizing if you missed the fairway. My more natural ball flight has always been a draw but this summer I was hitting mostly fades (not on purpose). Sense this change in ball flight I have had a greater tendency missing it right with almost all my clubs. My ball striking has not been bad but I know it can still improve quite a bit in consistency. Looking forward to what you have to say!

Jake was down to Florida to see me in January, so I took this opportunity to compare how he was swinging at the end of that session to the swings he just sent. As I recall we worked hard on getting him to keep his hips in the box from the face on view by bracing in the right foot and knee and by generally quieting the legs, and I think that Jake, as good players tend to do, overcooked this feeling and stopped turning behind the ball and loading to the right, as you can see by the fact that his head stays exactly in its box in the backswing. This may not be such a terrible thing for some players, but when Jake gets the face a bit closed and his right arm jammed up a bit behind him his leg rotation slows down in the forward swing and his arms get more stuck behind his right side. My recommendations here are for Jake to continue to keep the hips in the box going back but to open the face a bit more and allow for a little movement to the right with his upper body to facilitate his right side loading. He also needs to feel width at the top by pushing more outward with his right palm as he cocks his wrists so that the upper right arm feels less pulled behind him. In the downswing the idea is to clear the left hip faster while trying to get the right arm out in front of the chest. If he then tries to pull his left arm around all the way past the ball with the pivot rotation that should move his head back into the box by the time he gets to impact.