When you watch this video lesson you might think to yourself “wow, that sure is a lot of stuff to think about”, and that would point out an important difference between and online lesson and a face to face lesson, especially when the hands on lesson can be a consistent thing over a period of time as opposed to a one- time thing. It is likely that I wouldn’t dispense so much information at one time if the student was going to be seeing me on a regular basis, and I would be conscious of prioritizing things that needed to be addressed so that the student wouldn’t feel overwhelmed. A big part of being an effective teacher is learning how to organize and sequence what you know has to be fixed in order for the student to improve. Each student is completely different, and it may be that a particularly talented and cerebral student might be able to handle more of an overview of what is wrong and what needs to be done without feeling like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, if the player is already at a higher level there might not be as much to do, but even then a nice general picture of what we are shooting for would help to “connect the dots” and give a good overall perspective of how all the specific drills and exercises would add up to a better swing. The average player needs to be fed the info more slowly, and that’s where the teacher better have a good idea about how to pace the work so that the student can continue to play reasonably well while working on the prescribed changes.
This is not the case with an online lesson, and it is my guess that those who pay for one want to know everything I can tell them about what they are doing and what they need to do to get better. Thus, I am not going to hold back and say, concentrate on just the backswing, when I know there are items of equal or even greater importance in the forward swing and follow through. So, when I see swings like Fred’s with multiple items of interest, I will address them all and then let Fred sort it out and work on what he wants to work on in the order he wishes to. If it seems like a lot, it is that way because it is a lot. When the swing has multiple issues they all have to be addressed, and the more there are the longer it is going to take to work them out. If you can’t visit me in person the online lesson is obviously the next-best way to go about improving, it is a great way to get the proper information so that you at least know what direction you need to move in and that is a quite valuable tool.