Online Students: Erik Ludtke Part 4

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Hello Wayne
Pablo and I confine to work hard on improving my golf swing, using what I learn from your videos and applying that to what resonates with us.
I am trying hard to swing the club to the left so that I am not pushing out to right – the early extension.
Working on a better wrist cock on the backswing so that I am not pushing up with my right hand but rather trying to create more room from my hands at the top of the swing away from my head – easier said than done.
Today we also took a video from behind with the thought that I would move my hips and left leg – back and to the left – we wanted to see what that looked like.
I could get better at straightening my left leg as I move thru the ball after impact.
I have been working on trying to gain depth in the swing, which I notice is not so good in this video – same with maintaining posture through the swing, which is also difficult to increase my angles. I would appreciate some thoughts here as well.
Finally, I am becoming a much better student of the game and starting to take what we work on to the course and hitting it quite well these past days – love hitting the driver – with a little fade starting to the left of the target. I could not make that move before as I was a dragger of the club and swing inside out.
Please let us know what you think and appreciate your thoughts and techniques to get better. I really love working on my swing and improving my ball striking.

Erik is definitely making progress with his swing, and here we identify the major issue which, if he can correct it, will significantly improve his mechanics and his ball striking. Erik stands with a flared right foot, which allows him to rotate the right leg and pelvis too much in the backswing. Coupled with an upright stance that does not incorporate much pelvic tilt at address the over rotation and lack of depth cause the left side of the pelvis to move forward and down, which in turn pressures the front of both feet and makes it hard to rotate into the forward swing without driving the right leg up underneath him. Getting rid of this will involve changing his stance and posture to one with a squared right foot and turned out left foot, while increasing the amount of pelvic tilt at address. From this setup he can push the pelvis back away from the ball in the backswing (while keeping his head out over the ball) and restrict the rotation of his entire right side while increasing its depth, which will allow him to gain width at the top, initiate his forward swing with the counter rotation of his right hip from a deeper position, and leave the right upper arm in position to move easily back in front of him in the forward swing. In Erik’s case, less turn in the backswing is going to equal a more efficient swing.