Hi Wayne,
“I’m a 2 handicap and have been in a same pattern of being stuck and under, for the past several years. I’ve taken many lessons on and off for the past 26 years I’ve been playing. My driver isn’t bad but have the stuck shot come up now and then, either being the hook or a push. My iron game is where I struggle, mainly with contact. I tend to hit it off the bottom few lines low if anything. Usually starts left and goes left with never a cut shot or fade. I tend to bottom out early and never take a PROPER divot. Ball flight is relatively high with my irons.
Can’t wait to hear what you have for me to work and appreciate the time and lesson.”
It’s easy to see why Brent is a 2 handicap, as he moves the club nicely on plane throughout the swing. My suggestions (as usual) start at address, as I note that Brent appears to be sitting back a bit on his heels. I would like him out over the ball more with his weight on the balls of his feet, and after he does that I would like him to raise his hands at address so that the extended shaft line points at or above his belt buckle. From here it’s all about loading into the ground and pushing off the inside of the right foot, and when we see that Brent’s right foot rolls a bit to the outside just at the crucial time when he should be pushing off, along with the fact that he has lifted slightly in the backswing, it is no wonder that he has issues with sequencing. The goal would be to create space for the right arm to get in front of the body more heading to impact to create more forward lean with the shaft, which of course means better contact and better ball flight. The trailing clubhead also tends to stay open longer before impact, which will help eliminate the pulls.