Hi Wayne
I was referred by a friend who has had great success with your online lessons.
I have recently got out of the golf business and am looking to build a swing that requires less maintenance and timing to be consistent. I still manage to score alright but I have struggles this year with an out to in path (lucky enough to get on trackman occasionally), which has led to some ugly pulls and fades, the big left miss with the longer clubs has been the most costly shots for me this year.
I have attached FO and DTL videos of both Driver and 8 iron in fast and slow motion- I apologize for the video orientation the attachment I used for the tripod did not allow the video to be shot landscape.
Looking forward to hearing where I should start to build a more consistent swing!
Alan Johnston
As you watch Alan’s swing in the video it may occur to you that he has a lot to work on, and that building a better swing might be a daunting task. The truth is that everyone who is not as good as they would like to be has swing issues, and it is always a good idea to get a clear understanding of how your present swing works before you start to take it apart. I like to give a general overview in the online lessons, and I wouldn’t expect anyone with multiple problems to institute all the changes I suggest immediately, although I believe it is always better to work in combinations and in motion than to work on one thing at a time and focus on more static positions. If I were to list what I think Alan should do overall I would start with softening both arms at address. Then, I would work with him on his general takeaway, trying to get the club to come up the shaft plane with the wrists elevating the clubhead. As Alan gets to the top of his swing he needs to understand that width and wrist cock go together, and if he can get his right arm to stop pulling way behind him (it’s actually his left arm: Alan’s a lefty but I flipped the screen with the V1 and forgot to mention it) while he cocks his wrists he will be in far better shape to come forward. When he does come forward he is going to have to put a lot of work into incorporating lateral movement into his swing, because as you will see he has very little if any. He does a pretty amazing job to get his hands up to the ball (which suggests some nice coordination) and if he can provide some help with the lower body I think he can hit the ball much better and fairly quickly.