It took me a while to write the copy for this lesson so I just had to watch it over again to remember what the swing did and what I said. I have to tell you that this is a very cool lesson, because it deals with a swing that looks mint to the eye at regular speed, yet demonstrates some basic flaws that without this type of analysis could easily go undetected. Jim’s motion is fluid and certainly looks powerful, and has the appearance of having excellent sequence and impact. But upon closer inspection we find a transition pretty much devoid of right leg drive to initiate, and an impact that is way weaker than anyone would ever expect to see. As we work through the swing the analysis shows the progression of events that lead to the flippy release, starting with the setup, moving into the lower body action in the transition and downswing, and then watching the simultaneous problem of widening the elbows as the forward swing begins, which leaves the right arm behind the upper body. The subtle nature of these movements is almost undetectable without the use of both slow motion video and the line drawing power of the swing analysis software which identifies the initial conditions of the swing and allows everyone to see what moves where, when, and how much.