Online Lesson: Sim Allan-Working on Right Loading and Hip Depth

By Wayne | Videos



“Thanks for taking the time. Have been feeling really “cutty” with the irons -> hitting a weak cut that starts right and lands well short and right.”

Sim has taken several online lessons over the past few years and has improved quite a bit.  In this video we find him with a combination of moving his upper body forward in the downswing after keeping his head still in the backswing and allowing his left leg and knee to bend inward and downward too much, slowing his hip rotation, and causing a loss of depth. I’d like to see him load his upper body more to the right, then try to maintain that position in transition while practicing with the stick drill (shaft between the feet) to train the right hip and leg to move more inward.  A big help in the backswing would be to keep the left hip higher and the knees more level so that the left leg doesn’t drag both knees toward the ball.