Improvement: Peter Procops, PGA Part 6

By Wayne | Improvement

This video covers two short lessons. Peter’s swings are looking good in both. In the first video Peter’s hands are working much better out at the ball in transition but I’m seeing that pattern often seen on this site of the hips moving out towards the ball, causing the head to back up and losing angle in a players posture. I want to see Peter do the opposite and increase his angle in the downswing. The second part of the video I focus more on Peter’s transition move, the stand up at the top of the backswing which should be lowering and the left hip which should be moving more down and towards the left heel. Click here to start at the beginning of the series. Each video has a link to the next so you can easily progress through them.
Peter’s Commentary:

This video was taken right after coming off the course from a tournament. The biggest challenge for me was playing several rounds of competitive golf, then after a while going back to some of the same old habits.
Its better to play by feel and swing to a target but after some time the car runs out of gas. That’s when Wayne D comes into the picture.
All of the errors Wayne mentions were continuous issues when I played a bunch. Only by focused practice did it become a habit. The good news is that when I practiced each correction in a correct order, I saw improvement. The best advice for me during this lesson was: My sequence was off from 9 to 12, so what helped me most was timing my lowering just before and after transition (felt like one constant move). This kept me from popping my head up on back swing and kept it over the ball on down swing. This new movement pattern made it easier on my back because I was using the ground more that I ever have.

Click here for part 7