Ben Hogan: More Swing Observations

By Wayne | Videos: Swing Analysis

There is one thing I know about Ben Hogan’s swing: I will never stop studying it because I constantly find new things to focus on that matter a great deal in the search for a truly precise swing model. In other words, if Hogan had the best swing of anyone who ever played (and I think he did) then everything he did is of interest. In this video I go over 3 items that I had previously either missed or failed to emphasize: first, the fact that he started his swing with a combination triggering move that included moving the waist deeper and loading the right hip before he started the club moving. Second, the club at a midway point in the backswing is literally flying backwards, more of a “fling” than a controlled motion. And last, as he always said he did, he hit the ball about as hard as you will see anyone hit a ball. The swings that show this the most are from the Hogan vs. Snead match from the Shell’s Wonderful World of Golf, which was filmed in 1965 when Hogan was 52 years old. I’m not sure why I never focused on the speed of his arms and body through the shot, but watching these swings over and over is truly a revelation. So much for “swinging easy”.