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Lesson of the Week: Brian McCullough Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

After you watch this video, be sure to go back and watch the first “Student Lesson” with Brian that we did in early June. I have seen Brian once in between these two pieces, and what is apparent is something that holds true in general when teaching decent players who want to get to the next level. Depending on how long they have been playing (and fighting the limitations of their technique) we usually end up working on the same things for at least a few lessons.

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Nick Watney Golf Swing Analyzed

By Wayne | Videos: Swing Analysis

In Nick Watney we see what I would call the “prototype” of the new Tour player, namely one that is tall, strong, talented, and technique oriented. Watney is as conventional as Bubba Watson is not, and it is evident that he is technique oriented as he has managed to improve his swing over the last 3 years by fixing a faulty takeaway and working into a much less crossed position for the shaft at the top of the swing.

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Lesson of the Week: John Alper

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Here we have a perfect example of the need for technique to go along with athletic ability when it comes to hitting a golf ball. John excelled at many sports as a kid and still remains in top condition while working as a television producer. He has come to golf late and has played some but has found it to be more difficult than he ever imagined, so much so that he has not been able to enjoy playing due to extremely inconsistent and generally poor ball striking.

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Bobby Jones Golf Swing Analyzed

By Wayne | Videos: Swing Analysis

Bobby Jones, one of the all-time greatest golfers. He is the only player to win all four major championships in one calendar year and co-founded the Masters. In this swing analysis, we see how Bobby’s golf swing differs from the modern day golf swing, yet still displays some of the same characteristics of all great ball-strikers. Head lowering, hips in the box, right arm action, forward lean and more, a lot of the same factors you see in all great players you see in Jones as well.

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Lesson of the Week: Jack Brinkman

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Jack is a young junior who has been coming about once a week for about 2 months. He is a great example of how complicated swing issues can infect even talented young players, and our quest to clean up his swing and make it more functional and easier to manage is a lesson for all players who wish to change an odd pattern. You will see right away how Jack’s swing pulls behind him, then lifts abruptly and wheels out over the top.

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Lesson of the Week: Samyra Lewis

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

With Samyra the battle has been to get her to lean the shaft forward at impact with her irons, and here you can see the problem that exists in her first couple swings. We have focused on this in the past, but I always say that the lesson (any lesson) starts with the swing the student brings, and in this case it was obvious what we had to work on.

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