All Posts by Wayne


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No Instruction is Good Instructuon

By Wayne | blog

Link to Sally Jenkins’ Article. Wayne’s Response: Sally: I have often read and admired your columns for their depth and thoughtfulness, but I was shaking my head when you gave traction to Brandel Chamblee and his personal war on golf instruction in today’s column. There are a few things you should have considered before taking sides with Chamblee’s notion that no instruction is better than any instruction when it comes to the attempt to improve at golf. First of all, Chamblee is a golf loser, a quitter, beaten down by the game and forced to give it up due to…

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Online Students: John Neeson

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

This is John’s second online lesson (the first 3 months ago) and you will see that progress has definitely been made on the backswing. What needs to happen now is a more difficult task, changing the sequencing of the swing in order to get the right arm to start down earlier from a better position and move into a better approach to impact.

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I Refuse to Quit

By Wayne | blog

In the midst of the war that is an 18-hole round of competitive golf it is not hard to think about turning and running when things aren’t going well. Think about all the announcers on television: most were very good or great players. All of them quit voluntarily (although Nobilo I think could not overcome an injury problem). Since they were good, then quit, you would have to figure that they began to play consistently worse than they were used to, and after a while just couldn’t handle it anymore. It is hard to get your head around your deteriorating…

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You need a few things to be a successful player

By Wayne | blog

You need a few things to be a successful player: I usually state a number but I always think of something else so if I say “you need 3 things” it turns out to be 4 or 5, then I have to go back and change the beginning. So we’ll just leave it open ended and talk about some of the things you need, realizing that whatever I list is probably not all inclusive.   First, you need dedication. Without it, the game and the quest for mastery is too frustrating and disappointing. You could write a book about it,…

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