Playing for Money: Stephen Thomas Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Playing For Money

I think you will like this video as it addresses one of the most prevalent problems among the members of the website, including those who play professionally and those who have sent their swings in for analysis, that of the vertical drop of the hands and right arm in transition. Steve has an excellent swing in almost all respects, but it is my opinion that his progress is being stalled by his hand path at the start of the downswing and the resultant in to out path of the clubhead through impact, evidenced by the overly rotated clubface in the follow through. This is our second lesson, and you will see that when this move has been grooved and produces pretty good results it is very hard to change. I am pretty stubborn, however, and I feel like I am getting paid to make players better, so I will continue to try to change this pattern. Another thing you will like about this video is the amount of “hands on” instructing I do, as I take Steve through the swing and move him in specific ways. It is always nice to see a major change take place as a result of a drill, and here you see Steve produce a whole different (and better) movement by doing the transition isolation stop and go drill from left arm parallel.