We start this lesson with an idea and to get that idea across I use a face-on driver swing of Ben Hogan as an example of what I want Peter to try and do. Peter’s right hip is returning to where it started causing a lift in transition. I want him to keep his right hip deep and drive it forward towards the target like the Hogan example including the snapping the left leg behind.
In the second part we see possibly the best swing Peter has made so far in this video series. Hips are staying further back, there’s less pull back of the head, etc. I’d still like to see a bit more drive from the right leg but certainly this is a much better swing.
Click here to start at the beginning of the series. Each video has a link to the next so you can easily progress through them.
Peter’s Commentary:
I could never get enough Ben Hogan video. He makes it look so easy. The biggest challenge for me during this lesson was getting my right hip to stay deep in transition while I maintained good sequence on the forward swing. This took a lot of time, effort and patience. When I managed to get the right hip working correctly I then had to time my arms, club head, left hip and left leg to all work together…not an easy feat. It felt like I did not have enough time to make it all happen. I still work on this during many of my practices today. I don’t easily rotate left well and getting my left hip to go left early and then snap my left leg was very difficult at first. When I did it, it felt like a punch shot and that I was hitting up against a firm left side.
A drill that helped me feel what Wayne was teaching me was starting my club head in the air and one foot in front of the ball. Then as I started my backswing and got to waist high I started my downswing in one continuous motion to the follow-through. This feeling was a syrupy one and felt like it was one continuous motion. Many touring pros will do this on their practice swings before they hit the ball.