Wayne D Swing Analysis: Back Swinging 10 Months After Back Surgery- Working on Over the Top from the Inside

By Wayne | Videos

The truth is that I didn’t know if this day would ever come, but after what seemed like forever the pain finally subsided to the point where I can make full swings.  There isn’t a lot of speed and there is a lot to work on, but to say I’m happy about just being out hitting balls again is an understatement.  I’ve never wanted to be a teacher who didn’t try to play or at least work on his/her own game, and thankfully that fear has not come to be.  I know to be conscious of when to stop so I can start up again the next day, and I know I will have to take some days off when things get sore.  That said, I believe I will be less likely to hurt myself if I get better at clearing my left side and rotating into a left exit follow through, which is why I’m all in on “over the top from the inside”, a method used by some of my favorite swingers such as Bobby Jones, Ben Hogan, Sam Snead, Roberto DeVicenzo, Davis Love, Jason Dufner, Cameron Champ, Brooks Koepka, Daniel Berger, Etc.  Looking through my swing videos from the past 12 years or so my lack of trunk mobility caused me to over rotate my hips in the backswing with the left side of my pelvis moving too far forward and in the way of any attempt to clear faster in the forward swing.  When the upper trunk is trying to take the club around and the lower body gets caught out from under the resulting conflict is not good for the lower spine.  I am encouraged by the look of these swings, and hopefully I can build on this and get back to playing some decent golf.