This is a cool video as I hit two 3-wood shots from identical camera angles and ball positions that appear to be almost identical swings but produce two radically different shots. One interesting thing is the appearance of the swings from a split screen perspective, as the right side of the screen looks to be aimed more to the right, even though it is not. My swing issues are still the same, but after 3+ years of working out every morning after my last fusion surgery I have lost weight, gained strength, and have finally been able to practice more with the longer clubs (fingers crossed). A fusion decreases the rotational mobility of the spine, and when attempting to make a big enough wind-up to produce acceptable distance (I just want to fly it 240) the effort tends to pull the left side of my pelvis forward and I lose depth, eventually resulting in an impact that is not open enough to the target and has the release ejecting out to the right. My most recent idea is to try to pressure the right foot consistently in the backswing, as it occurred to me that I should be able to concentrate on foot pressure to keep my right hip from losing depth. The other idea I’ve been trying to incorporate is to focus more on something I used to think about all the time, which is arm lowering from the top, aiming to return my hands to their original position as far as how close to the body they pass by from p6 to p8, and less on the external rotation of the right upper arm, which, by the way, is not necessary if the arm is already external in the backswing.