This should really be an interesting series of lessons so I encourage you to watch the progression. CJ needs to pass his Player Ability Test (PAT) in order to continue his quest to become a Class-A PGA Professional. The scoring requirement does not seem that daunting (the needed score is around 156 or so) unless you are not that good and you don’t play in tournaments because of that very fact. Now, you might ask why someone who wasn’t a good golfer would want to be a PGA Professional, and it would be a good question. Actually, a better question would be “why would someone who was that interested in golf and in making a living from working in the business not have figured out how to be a better player”?
The answer to that question should be evident from the first of CJ’s swings that we see on the video. It is almost impossible to be a good golfer without at least decent impact alignments, and AJ, due to some complex movements in his hands and wrists, struggles mightily to put the club on the ball and hit it for any acceptable distance. We are planning a series of lessons after which AJ will attempt the PAT. Stay tuned to see how we do.