Tag Archives for " Over Rotation "

Online Lesson: Taylor (TJ) Reser: Young Golfer’s Tendency to Overturn

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

TJ is now 9 years old and has performed well in the U.S. Kids championships for his age group the past two years, finishing in the top 30-40 both times. TJ’s father watched some of my videos, liked my ideas and methodology, and sent in TJ’s swings to get some ideas and a direction for what to work on. At TJ’s age I don’t think it’s a good idea to get into too much in the way of mechanics, so here I address what I see as two major items that are common among thin, young players, the grip and the tendency to swing the arms back too far behind the head.

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Lesson of the Week: John Alper

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Here we have a perfect example of the need for technique to go along with athletic ability when it comes to hitting a golf ball. John excelled at many sports as a kid and still remains in top condition while working as a television producer. He has come to golf late and has played some but has found it to be more difficult than he ever imagined, so much so that he has not been able to enjoy playing due to extremely inconsistent and generally poor ball striking.

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