Tag Archives for " Lesson of the Week "

Lesson of the Week: Michael Patz- First Lesson Ever

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Having done this job for as long as I have I’m usually the most experienced (and expensive) instructor wherever I am working, and thus do not get many beginners in my book or give anyone their first lesson ever, although I certainly don’t avoid the prospect. The general perception is that a beginner would start with a less accomplished teacher, and I have heard the statement more than a few times that “I am not good enough to take a lesson from you”. Of course, if you give that statement a bit of thought it makes no sense, but that’s the way most people feel. Michael did not feel that way and chose to take his first ever series of lessons with me, and this is a revealing video in that regard. Unless the student has never picked up a club or hit a ball before they already have built in tendencies as their mind and body tries to make sense of what it takes to propel the ball straight ahead, up in the air, with enough distance to play the course.

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Lesson of the Week: Andrew Kaye- Getting Started

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Andrew is a newly addicted golfer. He’s young and strong, and his athleticism shows in his high-level tennis. He is pretty much a weekend golfer but likes to get some ball hitting in during the week. He has committed to taking a lesson every week or two this year, and this is our first go-round. I enjoy these lessons, as I must make up my mind as to where I want to start and how much I want to go into in the first lesson. Some people want a bunch of information about what their swings are doing and what needs to be fixed, especially those who are experienced in the game and have been through the taking lessons process. Others have no idea how to get better other than to play and hit balls, haven’t taken any lessons, and once they decide to try to learn about what they are doing it is imperative that they get good information right off the bat.

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Lesson of the Week: Mark Armstrong 2 – Posture, Width, and Impact

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Mark was referred to me by his friend Derek Gillespie, the Latin Tour Professional from Canada. Mark is a good player but seeing the improvement in Derek’s swing he was inspired to first send in his swing for an online lesson, then come down to see me at the club in Boca. Mark feels that it is his ball striking that is holding him back from reaching his next level, and he is looking for advice on how to improve it. When I saw his first swings I immediately focused on his posture. I think it is a huge deal to have a stance that promotes the things you would like to do with your swing, which is why I’m so against heel-oriented set ups. I don’t ever want to feel like I’m moving forward in the direction of the ball, and if I set up with my weight in my heels and I’m a normal person I’m going to gravitate toward my toes during the swing.

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Lesson of the Week: Chuck Winograd 3-Seeing Nice Improvement

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Chuck lives in Canada and I won’t see him again probably until December, so this video is a summary of our work over the 3- month period at Boca Rio in Florida from Jan.1 to April 1, with reminders for things Chuck needs to focus on when he practices and plays this summer and fall. Chuck wasn’t doing so well when we started, and it was a real struggle at first, but he really started showing signs of coming around by the end of our time together.

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Lesson of the Week: Mike Barile PGA- Trigger, Tempo, Impact

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Mike is an assistant professional working in Orlando who has watched the Wayne D. website for years and has now taken advantage of me being in Florida to come down and see me in person to hopefully change his swing for the better. His reporting on his play in general has the usual focus points: inconsistency and overall below standard ball striking leading to scores that don’t garner high finishes in the professional events in which he plays.

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Lesson of the Week: Jimmy Farina-Why is it so Different When the Ball is There?

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

“Why Can’t I Just Do That?”. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that question when a player looks at a practice swing, or a drill swing, and compares it side by side with the one that has to hit the ball. Jimmy knows what his issues are and is consciously trying to avoid doing what you see him doing here, but unfortunately for Jim his swing is an engrained pattern and if he gets off to a bad start the bad pattern will always be close to the same. Here we see Jimmy on the course (the Medalist Club- what a great place! Greens were glass, so much fun to play) sabotaging himself with his trigger, not an uncommon thing. Anyone with an early extension, right hip thrusting, goat humping issue simply cannot afford to have a “sitting” trigger where the knees bend towards the ball and the foot pressure moves towards the heels. He must become more aware of what his pelvis is doing, and the best way to get the brain to remember what to tell the muscles to do is to set up and start the club back with the midsection muscles engaged enough to either maintain or increase anterior pelvic tilt.

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Lesson of the Week: John Krystynak Part 6

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

John decided to come to Florida to see me in person after seeing his last video lesson from a month or so ago. He has worked hard on changing his swing but there are too many issues to concentrate on, and the pattern that has been ingrained is a particularly difficult one to alter. Our first issue is John’s takeaway, which triggers with a tightening of both arms and a pull back of the upper body. We want to quiet his first move by keeping his elbows soft and utilizing the upper trunk to move the arms back instead of rotating the left arm outward and pinching the right elbow in. Changing a trigger is a tough deal and requires a lot of focus and concentration, and that is only the beginning of what John needs to do to get his swing to be where he would like it to be. John also tends to slide his hips a bit to the right going back, another item to try to fix up. We work with stop and goes to practice hitting with the backswing changes, also raising the grip up at address to make it easier for him to swing the hands and arms more deeply across his chest getting to P3.

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Lesson of the Week: Jamie Kilmer PGA Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Jamie came back for another look about a month after seeing me for a few hours and there was significant improvement. In this lesson we continue to work on the takeaway, right arm and shoulder control getting to the top and in transition, and especially the idea of keeping the head out over the ball in the forward swing instead of pulling the upper body away in the impact area. Jamie is a strong guy who has had playing success in the past, and from the look of his swing when he does the drills he should be able to get back to being competitive if he can work the feelings the drills give him into his full swing on the course. He is well aware that this takes time and repetitions, and he is prepared to put in the effort to get his game and his ball striking back in shape.

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Lesson of the Week: Matt Shubley – Turning Behind the Ball and Adding Lateral Hip Drive

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Matt plays for the golf team at Sacred Heart University in Fairfield, Connecticut, and came to see me looking to improve his ball striking heading into the 2018 Spring tournament season. He finished T-4 in his first two events, so it appears that what we worked on had a positive effect on his game. We started with some short wedges, and the two things that stood out right away was his odd head movement in the backswing and his lack of any lateral pelvic movement in the forward swing.

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Lesson of the Week: Tim Feld

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Tim is a low single digit handicap player who I saw for a lesson some years ago and has come back to see why he is hitting the ball so poorly. Tim’s main bad shot is weak right, with the club glancing across the ball and the impact feeling flippy. At regular speed Tim’s swing is like most good players, smooth and rhythmical, with no obviously apparent flaws, although someone with a good eye for the swing might pick out Tim’s posture as an issue. After slowing it down, however, I saw right away that Tim was backing well away from the ball in his downswing, which I attributed to first his posture at address and then to his loss of control of the pelvic, lower back, and abdominal muscles, especially during the transition and all the way through impact.

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