Tag Archives for " Conner Kumpula "

Online Students: Conner Kumpula Part 8

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

In this video lesson, I compare Connor’s swing with those of a year ago, before he injured his shoulder and couldn’t practice or play for an extended period. He has a wonderful swing (he has won a major college event and the Oregon State Amateur) but there is still room for improvement, especially in these recent swings, where his approach to impact has gotten somewhat steeper than in the past. I feel that the major difference is in the…

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Online Students: Conner Kumpula Part 7

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

If you haven’t watched Connor’s online lessons from the first one you should really go back and check each one of them out. The improvement really shows that online work can help even the best players, and as you watch Connor’s swing it’s hard not to agree that it’s one of the best you will see. He definitely has the ability to take his game to the next level, and what we see here are a couple of minor suggestions that will hopefully keep his swing progressing.

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Online Students: Conner Kumpula Part 6

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

If you’ve been with the website for any length of time you have seen this swing analyzed before, and as usual it is one of the best I work with. Connor’s ball striking has improved over time and he is well on his way to being a consistent winner in the college ranks, but is still hampered by a tendency to block a shot to the right every now and then at inopportune moments. In this video I focus on something that I struggle with in my own swing, and as I try to work through my issues now that I have more physical mobility I have a better eye for the problem.

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The Power of Online Instruction

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Conner was frustrated and considering walking away from the game. In desperation he and his father sent in some swings and after some online instruction he became the Oregon Amateur Champion instead. This year Conner has qualified for the US Amateur. We’ve never met in person and have only worked via the internet and phone.

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An Interesting Conversation

By Wayne | blog

This is an email conversation I recently had with Bob Kumpula, Conner Kumpula’s father. Conner is the Oregon Amateur champion who has been working with me online for about a year. His swing, as you will see in the upcoming online lesson, is simply awesome, one of the best I’ve seen. When the swing gets […]

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