It’s a Monday morning and before my weekly therapy session that usually leaves me unable to practice full swings I went out to the local public course to hit a few and took my camera with me. I am somewhat pleased with my progress of late as the set up change I made a few weeks ago is starting to pay some dividends. I was frustrated with my inability to load deep enough into my right hip to finish, the backswing, and my left hip and leg were always too forward toward the ball in transition to be able to clear in a timely fashion. Previously I had gone to an open stance, but that option seems to have run its course and doesn’t really feel very good anymore. Instead, I opted to square my right foot a bit extra and to really add some flare to my left foot. This helps my hips feel pre- rotated counter- clockwise without my stance being open, and now that I have regained some mobility since my surgery (it has been a year and a half) I can make enough of a backswing turn to still hit the ball long enough to be competitive. My thoughts during the swing are still the same: load deep into the right hip down toward the heel while keeping the left hip inward, then initiating the forward swing with the right side pelvis rotators while driving against a stabilized right leg. If I do this correctly my head feels as though it stays still while by left hip and knee snap back out of the way immediately. This catches the club and leans it back on my right forefinger, making the downswing plane feel like it shifts to flatter. Since I am aiming for a drive/hold release my right arm tries to move in front of my right side as much as possible while the left arm remains solidly against my chest. With my head staying out over the ball the net result is an on plane, hands forward approach that gets the club face through the ball with minimal flip and twist. I feel like I am exiting more around with my entire body more facing the target at impact, and the left arm is driven all the way past the ball by the pivot while the right hand and arm apply pressure to the grip handle. I don’t know if I will get this by the weekend, but I am on the right track and I expect to be playing some respectable golf in the near future.