Swing Analysis: Wayne D. Channeling Hogan

By Wayne | Videos: Swing Analysis

Whenever I want inspiration to make my swing better I turn to the Hogan videos I’ve watched a million times. It’s amazing to me that I seem to get something new from them even after studying them for so long, but now that I feel good enough to look at my swing and actually try to practice enough to change it I can see more clearly how he was doing things and how I am not doing those things. In this video I focus on Hogan swings from 1956 in addition to the 1947 swings I usually key on, and I find that when Hogan was older he stopped his upper right arm sooner so that the shaft pointed even more left at the top. Also, I can now see that my sense that Hogan was way out on the balls of his feet was correct, and that if I exaggerate having my weight way forward at address so that my heels are almost off the ground I can then move my hips inward so that my right hip gets deeper and my left hip doesn’t move forward and get then ultimately get in the way of my forward swing rotation. This, combined with trying to stop my right arm and lay the club off in the backswing instead of lifting and crossing the line like I always do gives me a new pattern and makes it possible for me to exit my hands more to the left in the follow through. I need to keep my head out over the ball more in the takeaway and I would like to get my hands more forward past impact but I like the progress in evidence here.