This little clip should come as no surprise to anyone who watches The Golf Channel with any regularity. Brandel Chamblee has a major problem with “modern instruction”, meaning any type of instruction that involves video analysis and technique work, and his feelings come out loud and clear (and obnoxiously) in his criticism of Tiger Woods and his coach, Sean Foley. What is mildly surprising is Chamblee’s admission that yes, great players lower during their swings (he mentions Miller and Hogan), but he then adds that neither Hogan nor Miller “popped up” like Tiger as they hit the ball.
It occurred to me that it would be interesting to look at Brandel’s own swing, as he was a good enough player to stay out on Tour for over a decade. You can imagine my delight when I saw that Chamblee “pops up” as he hits the ball almost exactly the same way Tiger does. Once again, it becomes apparent that these TV guys say things that they believe are true, but have not done the work necessary to make sure that what they are saying has any merit. The videos are out there and the opportunity to do enough homework to back up statements about technique is also readily available. I fully intend to keep these announcers on their toes and accountable for their statements. People are watching, and there is a responsibility to get this stuff right.