Student Lesson: Jessica Fernandez

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

One of my very best friends likes to “gift” me a subscription to “Golf Tips Magazine” every year as a joke, since we both have a great time going over some of the instructional articles found inside. I recently read one that “exposed” certain “Myths” in the game, one of which was the supposed myth that impact was the “moment of truth” in the swing. The point was not that impact was not important, but that it was really everything that led up to that point that created whatever that impact was. Now, I can see that as an argument, I mean, sure, just about everything that comprises a golf swing contributes to the eventual impact, but the fact is that good players manufacture good impact out of whatever set of things they are using beforehand. One thing is certain; if you have great stuff beforehand but can’t come up with a decent impact then I say you are screwed if you want to become a very good player.
When we look at Jessica’s swing we see a perfect example of a swing going awry right when it looks like it’s ready to strike the ball perfectly. Alas, weakness at impact is a huge error in golf, one from which it is almost impossible to recover. If you don’t have the alignments, you have no choice but to prioritize toward learning to use the hands, arms, trunk, legs, and club in such a way that you can put the club on the ball in a more advanced fashion. This is my sole goal with Jessica, and while I try to come up with new variations on the drills to keep her from getting overly frustrated, there is a certain amount of persistence that is required when facing a chronic, stubborn problem area in the swing, and I am adamant about correcting, or at least improving, in the area I pinpoint as the most important. I’ve lost students this way, but it is the only way I feel I am earning my fee.