Pro Tip of the Week: Lessons are for Learning New Things

By Wayne | Articles: Becoming a Better Player

One of the problems I have observed over my 30 years of teaching is that a lot of students tend to view a lesson as a “fix” to a particular problem they are experiencing. I have heard the phrase “help me, just don’t change me” enough times to realize that the person who believes this is possible has probably played the game at the same level for many years, the point being that if you want to improve you are going to have to learn some new concepts about the swing or the short game, and you are going to have to try to change what you are doing presently to something better. The question you should ask yourself is “am I satisfied with the game I have now, and if I am not, how can I be better a year or 2 or 3 years from now. Certainly the answer does not lie in a succession of “quick fixes” that jumble the mind and leave you with a different swing thought every time you pick up a club. In order to practice with a purpose, you have to have new ideas and an understanding of how you are going spend your practice and playing time most efficiently. Is it risky to try to improve? Of course it is, because no one has a crystal ball and can predict how long it’s going to take to achieve results. But I can promise you that the students who take lessons on a consistent basis and practice what they learn get better. Golf is a difficult game both physically and mentally, but while it may not be realistic for you to become what you would consider an “excellent” player, you certainly have the opportunity to get a little better incrementally. And many times, when you add up the incremental improvements, you find that you are better than you ever thought you could be. The fun is in the challenge, and the challenge is to buy into the process of technique change with an attitude that does not demand instant gratification.