Hey WD,
“I’m 25 years old and currently playing mini tour events in Florida. I’m seeking your help because I’ve learned that my ball striking really needs to improve to compete at the next level. Right now I’m hitting a lot of pulls or a weak block to the right. The divots are steep and the ball flight is low and not carrying. Really would appreciate your help thank you.”
Here we have a classic case of what happens when the upper right arm gets left “up and back”: it’s not pretty. The three major things I would like Steven to do in his swing are: 1) get the upper right leg deeper in the backswing without straightening the knee, which would load his weight toward his right heel: 2) get his upper right arm deeper at left arm parallel in the backswing by adding some bend to it and turning it with the shoulder: and 3) drive the upper right arm in front of his chest in transition instead of leaving it up and behind him. One of the ways to think about the swing is “if it’s like a sidearm throwing motion could I throw anything sidearm the way I am swinging?” The answer here is “no”. If Steven tried to toss his club into the lake like Rory but with his swing motion it would hit the ground right between his feet. Now, I realize that these would be major changes and most likely Steven will need some hands on help to accomplish them in a usable fashion, but I figure when a good player asks for an online lesson they want to know what direction they need to go in. Hopefully I’ve given Steven a good starting point.