Playing for Money: Steve Thomas

By Wayne | Videos: Playing For Money

Steve is a mini-tour player from the west coast of Florida who came due to the suggestion of his friend Cody Lee, who took an hour of the three they signed up for. Steve, as you will see, had very nice action to begin with, but was unsatisfied with his overall ball striking. As you watch the original swings you will see the pattern that emerges constantly with really good players who don’t quite hit the ball well enough to play for a serious living, that is, the tight arms at address, the pinched right arm in the backswing, the vertical drop of the hands in the forward swing, the legs slightly slow to clear, and a clubface that twists closed extremely fast in the release area. Thus, we start with softer arms, especially the right arm, more width in the backswing with the upper right arm getting deeper, a more “catchy” or dynamic transition, and a sidearm throwing motion forward swing with the hands moving out toward the ball and the lower body opening faster as it drives 45 degrees left. I think you will be impressed with how quick Steve picked up on the concepts and changes and how his action looked even better when we were done.