“I just wanted to give a quick update. Over the past two weeks in Palm Desert I have made and seen lots of progress. I am hitting lots of golf shots I’ve never seen. Specifically talking about speed and distance. I am encouraged about the road we are heading down.
I’ve watched this recent video it a few times. I will be starting with the hip movement first. Working on staying stable, with a sharper angle. Turning into the right hip not swaying. I’m sure I will have questions that arise this week as I’m continuing to change. Thanks for your help. I’ll give you an update soon. “
That was Nick commenting on his feelings about our first online lesson, and this video is the second. I liked the progress Nick made from his first batch of swings, and here I make a few more suggestions. Nick is a very good player and has an excellent swing, so most of my advice is subtle, which you can tell is the case by how much minute toggling I do as Nick moves in his swing. I would like for Nick to eventually have his hands more forward at impact with his irons, and most of the things I prescribe will, I believe, help Nick in achieving that. Here I focus on the slight but important slide of his hips in the backswing, as well as what I see as a tensing of his right shoulder as he triggers his swing, which eventually effects his right arm movement throughout the swing.