Playing for Money: Matt Shubley- Looking for Reasons for the Ball Not Falling Right After Starting Left

By Wayne | Videos: Playing For Money

Hey Wayne,
Hope all is well, after a little bit of time off between tournaments I’m starting to gear up to get back into competition. Swing feels just a little off, I’ve started to have my stock ball fight move left to right rather than right to left and found it significantly better However, right now I can’t seem to get it to fall right. The ball starts a little left and either keeps falling left or stays there. If you can take a look at these videos when you get a chance and let me know if you see anything that would be great!

I’ll admit that this is one time where it’s not obvious from the video why Matt’s shots aren’t falling to the right after starting left: in fact, I would surmise (had Matt not reported on his problem) that with the left wrist cupped late in the downswing and the clubhead behind the hands at P6 that the ball would be starting right and staying there. My guess, without other info (Trackman, 3D) is that the open face approach has Matt closing the face into impact to keep it from going right, with the result that he is not imparting the left to right spin needed to have the ball curve back to the right. To help things I go back to a swing from a few months ago when Matt had the shaft more on plane and less across the line at the top and his left wrist flatter instead of cupped. I’d like him to keep his right arm squeezed a bit more in front of him as his left forearm pronates from P3 to P4, which should make his swing more compact and manageable.