Lucia is 23 years old and 2 years out of a college career playing for the University of Tennessee. She is now in her second stint on the Symetra Tour, the LPGA’s version of the Web.Com tour. This is my second lesson with Lucia, and in the first lesson I saw some real potential as she incorporated my suggestions quickly during the lesson. She tends to move her body quite a bit to the right in the backswing, then never quite recovers with her upper body while her lateral hip movement nets out at about zero. Being this far back on her right side allows her to hit her driver fine (she hits it about 230-240 but hardly ever misses a fairway) but does not allow her to compress her irons consistently. In this lesson I try to get her to speed up her backswing (she clicks out at 50/8 or more than 6/1), essentially making it twice as fast to the top. She does this nicely with the help of the metronome, and if she can get used to the tempo change, I think it will help her greatly. From so far behind the ball in the downswing she has never been able to get her hands up far enough to forward lean the club produce a controlled, penetrating flight, so I want her to try to stay centered in the backswing while stretching away and adding pressure to the right leg, then shoot for more aggressive forward movement in both the lower body and upper body, with the pelvis adding lateral slide to the rotation while the arms and hands try to achieve a more forward approach to impact. By the end of the lesson she was flying her irons an extra 10-15 yards, and she will have to re-calibrate her club selections if she continues to do so, which is a nice problem to have.