Kevin is an excellent player (two years on Tour, 6 wins on the secondary [Nationwide,] tours) but at age 48 he has kind of hit the wall and can’t seem to hit the ball as well as he used to. The first thing I noticed was that Kevin was not really using his pivot nearly enough, and we spent the first session just trying to feel what a real coil and load felt like. It’s not uncommon for players to get physically lazy and stop stressing their bodies, and it would be nice if you could just take it back and hit it without trying to generate any stretch or resistance. We talked about the downswing as well, but he concentrated mostly on getting wider and more turned. In this lesson he does look like he accomplished that to a degree, but he still felt like he had no lower body working for him into impact. From the video we can certainly see why. In addition to winding up the upper body better Kevin has to create depth in both the backswing and the forward swing, and needs to keep his pelvis tilted toward the ground so that he can get his left leg to clear instead of getting underneath him. It was obvious that this was not going to be easy, so it will be interesting to see what he can do with the suggestions.