Playing for Money: Jeremy Wells Part 5

By Wayne | Videos: Playing For Money

It took me a while to write the copy for this one so Jeremy has already come for another lesson after this one, but the good news here is that he has been playing consistently better, making cuts and making money in the mini-tour events he has been entering. Jeremy has developed an excellent swing, but here we see some recurring tendencies that we need to get a handle on so that we don’t have to keep fixing the same things. The difference between the first swings he made in the lesson and the ones he sent a week or so later are substantial. He has gone from getting laid off and stuck to being right on-plane in the backswing and in the approach. It is always fun and interesting to watch a good player make what appear to be subtle changes, but those changes may mean the difference between a 66 and a 69, which in this day and age makes all the difference.